Welcome to part 2! Last time we talked about what optimal is and how it might look to set up an optimal approach when it comes to nutrition. While nutrition is a large part of the health and fitness equation, but it is only part of it. What about Exercise you say? I’m glad you asked!
People’s opinions on exercise are just as entrenched as their nutrition principles. You have to do cardio to lose weight. No, you have to do “HIIT.” Actually your cousin Pauly said CrossFit is the way to go. However, your bestie loves spin. How do you know what to do? You might be surprised at the answer. (You probably won’t be, I’ve just always wanted to write that sentence).
First we have to ask ourselves what our goal is, because this will determine what kind of exercise is the most optimal. If you want to get stronger, lifting heavy weights will be the prescription. If you want to become a better runner, running and posterior chain development will probably benefit you the most. If you want to lose weight, moving more will be the basic tenet we are looking to accomplish with your workout. A combination of lifting weights and cardio will probably be the most beneficial for the most people.
Second we have to look at what you enjoy doing. I’ve only had one client who absolutely hated working out and was consistent. She showed up to every workout and told me how much she didn’t like working out, but knew she needed to do it. She still works out with me twice a week and has for a few years. Every other client I’ve worked with who didn’t enjoy at least something we did would inevitably start missing sessions sporadically and then cancel altogeter after a while. I’ve had a client work with me get great results, but hated it. He decided to try Orange Theory and loved it and has been getting great results from it! So you have to enjoy doing it before it feels like a chore, then your motivation craps out and you decide that “this whole fitness thing just isn’t for you.”
Next we have to look at how much time can you ACTUALLY dedicate each week to working out. So many people want to go from 0-100. No days working out to #TeamNoDaysOff. If you can literally only go to the gym two days per week, that is totally fine! Especially if you haven’t been active in a while. Can you honestly give 4 days per week and 90 min each time to working out, that’s phenomenal! Were you working out 5 days every week and now you have a new job/relationship/child and need to drop down to 3? Guess what? That will work too. Something is always better than nothing in the sense of exercise. We can argue all day about what is clinically/scientifically/anecdotally the best (COUGH-weight training-COUGH), but doing something that you can make harder over time (progressive resistance) will deliver results.
You’re probably thinking that the last two entries seem pretty similar, and you’re right. At their core, nutrition and exercise success both boil down to about the same three things.
1) What is my goal and what is necessary to get there?
2) Can I see myself doing this until I get to my goal and after I reach it (unless you’re ok with looking/performing a certain way for a finite amount of time).
3) What is best for ME?
Want to lose weight? Figure out how many calories you need, how you can honestly eat less than that for a while (guaranteed it’s longer than you think). Eat your damn vegetables. Now you are well on your way nutritionally. For exercise, resistance train 2-5x/week, add in some cardio, make sure you enjoy it a little bit, and do it as much as your schedule allows.
Answering these 3 questions honestly is a very basic way to get you to optimal for you. While the process is a bit more nuanced, this it is a great start. Everyone will have individual needs/preferences and a pretty big learning curve if you’ve never done this before, but that is where a coach or trainer comes in and can help out immensely. Are you ready to have someone help you figure out your optimal? Click JOIN THE TEAM above and let’s get started on your plan!